
Texas Dominates Business Attraction, Houston Remains a Top Leader

Published Mar 01, 2024 by Shaw Adcock


的 Houston region has once again ranked third among top U.S. metros for attracting new business, according to Site Selection Magazine’s 年度分析, while Texas earned its 12th consecutive Governor’s Cup. 

“的 Governor’s Cups recognize not only the winning governors, but their entire economic development teams, 引申开来, 他们所在州的许多专业人士每天都在努力吸引新的投资,保留和发展现有的企业,马克·阿伦德说, editor emeritus of Site Selection. 

选址确定1,254 project wins for Texas in 2023, more than doubling the next-highest state, 伊利诺斯州. With 226 more projects than 2022, Texas saw a 22% increase in projects. 休斯顿-伍德兰-糖地MSA赢得了413个项目,自2022年以来增加了150多个项目. Chicago and Dallas-Fort Worth placed first and second, respectively, in the top U.S. 地铁的类别. 

Hga010皇冠软件下载很高兴看到德克萨斯州继续成为企业搬迁和扩张的领先州," said Partnership Vice President of Regional 经济发展 Craig Rhodes. “休斯顿排名前三,进一步凸显了Hga010皇冠软件下载地区公司获得多元化人才的独特机会, 关键基础设施, and the convergence of industries to grow their business on a global scale."


  • 车.com是一家电子商务独角兽公司,该公司从奥斯汀回到休斯顿,努力扩大皇冠HGA010官方下载规模. 此举凸显了休斯顿交通基础设施和可达性的价值, as well as its large and diverse talent pool. 

  • Packgene生物技术, a CRO and CDMO company founded in Massachusetts, 哪一个在22年破土动工,000 square feet cGMP manufacturing facility in 2023. This facility will create up to 80 jobs with $20 million invested. 他们已经在扩建过程中,将设施扩大到3.5万平方英尺. 该项目将加速基因治疗产品的开发,为客户提供完整的一站式解决方案. 

  • Sumika半导体材料, a subsidiary of Sumitomo Chemical, 在休斯顿地区建立一个高纯度的半导体工艺化学制造工厂吗. 该项目包括2.5亿美元的投资,将在该地区创造50个就业机会. 

  • 赛格太阳能, a solar panel manufacturing company, 它的145,000 square feet Houston facility by mid-2024. 该项目预计将创造500个就业机会,资本投资为6000万美元. 的 move reinforces Houston’s status as 皇冠HGA010官方下载 Capital of the World.  

In an interview with Site Selection Magazine, 州长格雷格·阿博特指出,该州有利的商业环境是公司不断选择在德克萨斯州搬迁或扩大皇冠HGA010官方下载的原因. 

“行业领先的首席执行官们提到了Hga010皇冠软件下载支持增长的经济政策——没有企业所得税和个人所得税——以及Hga010皇冠软件下载强大和不断增长的劳动力, 易于进入全球市场, 健壮的基础设施, and business-friendly regulations, ”艾伯特说. 

该州新的经济激励计划将是吸引新公司到该地区的关键工具. 的 Texas Jobs 皇冠HGA010官方下载, Technology, and 创新, or JETI, program, replaces Chapter 313, which sunset in 2022.  

Learn more on why companies continue to 选择休斯顿




大休斯顿伙伴关系获得国际经济发展理事会(IEDC)颁发的2024年卓越经济发展铜奖. 该奖项是专门为500个地区在区域或跨境伙伴关系方面的工作而颁发的,000或以上居民.  的 strategy formed in partnership with regional allies, as elaborated in the regional playbook, 旨在通过促进利益相关者之间的合作和协调,促进大休斯顿地区的区域经济发展. 这包括为休斯顿区域经济发展联盟(HREDA)创建一个框架,以最大限度地参与和支持.  成立于2006年, HREDA由经济发展组织和市政当局组成,他们对创造就业和投资感兴趣,以保持积极的商业环境. HREDA每月在伙伴大厦举行会议,并经常在该地区的其他地点举行会议. Hosted monthly at Partnership Tower and other regional sites, HREDA meetings include members from 98 economic development organizations, representing over 160 full-time economic development professionals.  项目的独特性和创新性在于每个阶段的成员参与, ensuring ownership of the final playbook. It addressed previous collaboration deficits noted in studies, aiming to leverage regional resources for economic growth. 的 scale of marketing the region is no small feat. 覆盖8,838平方英里, the 12-county Greater Houston region, 它的中心, the 10-county Houston-Pasadena-的 Woodlands MSA, surpasses an area the size of New Jersey,  尽管幅员辽阔, the region's stakeholders have rallied together as allies, streamlining processes to attract prospective companies. 这一集体努力反映了确保该地区经济增长胜利的共同承诺. “I am proud to be a part of an organization, 比如HREDA, 这体现了区域主义和合作如何能够推动经济成功,并为区域发展树立高标准,HREDA主席兼Partnership Lake Houston首席经济发展官Stephanie Wiggins说. “By uniting various stakeholders under a common goal, HREDA利用休斯顿地区的优势,创造一个繁荣和可持续的经济环境." Every year IEDC looks specifically for economic development organizations, 政府实体, 倡议, and programs that have demonstrated consistent, exemplary performance in the economic development profession, 领导执行对振兴社区有重大影响的项目, 在塑造和完善经济发展实践中发挥重要作用. “This group understands what it means to succeed together," Greater Houston Partnership President and CEO Steve Kean said. “When we work together as one to combine the expertise, assets and capabilities of our regional partners, the Houston region is unmatched in potential. Through this mindset of regionalism, we can create a more prosperous and inclusive future for all of our citizens.” Learn more about the 12-county region the Partnership represents.  

Chevron Relocates 总部 to Houston

雪佛龙公司宣布计划将公司总部从圣拉蒙迁至休斯顿, 加州.  在宣布这一消息之前,这家皇冠HGA010官方下载巨头最近努力巩固其在休斯顿的皇冠HGA010官方下载, 从2022年开始, with the sale of its 92-acre headquarters in San Ramon.  This strategic move aims to enhance collaboration among senior leaders, executives and business partners, according to Chevron’s press release. Chevron currently employs 7,000 people in the Houston area and 2,000 in San Ramon. While the relocation will initially have minimal impact on San Ramon employees, 所有的公司职能预计将在未来五年内迁移到休斯顿. Positions supporting Chevron’s operations in 加州 will remain in San Ramon. 据公司介绍, 此举与该公司精简运营和提高绩效的持续努力相一致. By consolidating its headquarters in Houston, 雪佛龙可以利用该市强大的皇冠HGA010官方下载基础设施和多样化的人才库来提高皇冠HGA010官方下载的可负担性, reliability and security globally. “This is just the final step that many industry observers were waiting to happen,——肯·梅德洛克, Senior Director of the Baker Institute’s Center for 皇冠HGA010官方下载 Studies, 在最近的一次发布中解释. “开始, 休斯顿为国际皇冠HGA010官方下载公司提供了世界级的地理位置, which is why there is such a massive international presence here. 德克萨斯州也是美国最大的多种皇冠HGA010官方下载生产国,并准备在氢和碳捕获等新兴机遇方面处于领先地位, so Houston is a great place for domestically focused activities as well. To top it off, Texas rates very favorably for business in general.” 雪佛龙将成为第24家将总部设在休斯顿的财富500强公司, joining the city's growing hub of major corporations. 其中包括埃克森美孚(ExxonMobil),该公司宣布将于2022年将公司总部迁至春季. “雪佛龙总部搬迁的决定凸显了休斯敦作为当今和未来领先皇冠HGA010官方下载公司首选目的地的优势," said Partnership President and CEO Steve Kean. “深深扎根于Hga010皇冠软件下载的地区, Chevron is a key player in establishing Houston as a global energy leader. This move will further enhance those efforts." Learn more about corporate headquarters in the Houston region.   




的 Greater Houston Partnership invites you to the State of 机场 on Tuesday, 12月5日, Jim Szczesniak, 航空处长, outlines the next history-making chapter for Houston 机场.  Szczesniak……
